
AASH (Germany) -
TULSADOOM (Austria) -
VENENO (Brazil) -
ANCESTOR (China) -
ANCESTOR (China) -
ANCIENT (Chile) -
ATOMIC ROAR (Brazil) -
AASH (Germany) -
TULSADOOM (Austria) -
VENENO (Brazil) -
ANCESTOR (China) -
ANCESTOR (China) -
ANCIENT (Chile) -
ATOMIC ROAR (Brazil) -


Death Metal
5.00 €
Death Metal
5.00 €
Heavy Metal
6.00 €
Death Metal
5.50 €
Old-school Death-Metal/Grind-Core
6.00 €
Old-school Death-Metal/Grind-Core
6.00 €
Hard `n Heavy
5.00 €
Heavy/Power/Speed Metal
4.50 €
Thrash Metal / Black Metal
6.00 €
Heavy/Speed Metal
12.00 €
Heavy/Speed/Thrash Metal
12.00 €
Black/Death Metal
5.00 €
Black Metal
5.00 €
Black/Death Metal
6.00 €
Black/Thrash/Death Metal
5.50 €
Black Metal
5.00 €
Raw, Harsh, Thrash/Black Metal
5.00 €
Black Metal
5.00 €
Death Metal
7.00 €
Speed/Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Death Metal
5.00 €
Black/Thrash Metal
6.00 €
Nightly Gale (Poland) - Doom Metal
Pagan Records

Sławomir Pyrzyk - Vocals, guitars, keyboards & drums programming
Jarosław Toifl - guitars, bass, keyboards
Waldemar Sagan - Screams
Paweł Pyszkowski - Additional digital saxophone on tracks 2, 4 & 5

Recorded & mixed at Combo-Studio, Gliwice, Summer 2000.
Produced by Nightly Gale & Pagan.

Verkaufsrang: 292
(ArtNr. 00001456)
5.00 €
Käufer dieses Artikels kauften auch:
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TRENCHROT (USA) - TRENCHROT (USA) - "Dragged Down To Hell" TapeMISTERIA (Poland) - MISTERIA (Poland) - "Masquerade of Shadows" TapeAuf dem Schwarzen Thron (Germany) - Auf dem Schwarzen Thron (Germany) - "Wonders of Darkness" TapeNECROBLOOD (France) - NECROBLOOD (France) - "Second Blood" black Vinyl 7" EP Lim. to 666 copiesWAR ATROCITIES (Croatia) / WHIPSTRIKER (Brazil) - WAR ATROCITIES (Croatia) / WHIPSTRIKER (Brazil) - "Struck By Warwhip" black Vinyl Split 7"
Black Metal/Punk
5.00 €
Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Black/Death Metal
7.00 €
Thrash/Death Metal
5.00 €
Death Metal
6.50 €
Black/Death Metal
5.50 €
Black/Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Heavy Metal
6.00 €
Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Death Metal (early) - Grindcore (later)
5.00 €
Blackened Thrash/Death Metal
5.00 €
Black/Thrash Metal
6.50 €
Thrash/Black Metal
7.50 €
Thrash Metal
7.50 €
Thrash Metal
7.50 €
Death/Thrash Metal
6.00 €
Death/Thrash Metal
6.00 €
Black/Speed Metal
5.50 €
Death Metal
5.00 €
Heavy Metal
5.50 €
Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Thrash Metal
5.50 €
Heavy Metal
7.50 €
Death Metal
5.00 €
Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Thrash Metal
6.00 €
Heavy Metal
7.50 €
Heavy Metal, Punk
5.00 €
Death Metal
6.00 €
Death/Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Heavy Metal
8.00 €
Heavy/Death Metal
5.00 €
Black/Death Metal
5.00 €
Death Metal
5.00 €
Black/Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Black Metal
8.00 €
Heavy/Speed Metal
7.50 €
Thrash Metal
5.50 €
Death Metal
5.00 €
Black/Death Metal
9.00 €
Speed/Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Thrash/Black Metal
5.00 €
Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Heavy/Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Black / Death Metal
6.00 €
Black/Death Metal
5.00 €
Death Metal
5.00 €
Black Metal
5.00 €
Heavy Metal
6.00 €
Heavy Metal
6.00 €
Death Metal
6.00 €
Black Metal
5.00 €
Thrash/Death Metal
5.50 €
Death Metal
5.00 €
Death Metal
5.00 €
Death Metal
5.00 €
Thrash Metal
6.00 €
Death/Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Black/Death Metal
5.00 €
Death Metal
5.00 €
Heavy/Black Thrash
5.00 €
Brutal Death Metal
5.00 €
Blackened Heavy/Thrash Metal
13.00 €
Heavy/Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Thrash/Death Metal
5.00 €
Death Metal/Punk
5.00 €
Black/Death Metal
5.00 €
Rock 'n Roll
8.00 €
Black Metal
5.00 €
Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Black Metal
6.00 €
Thrash Metal
5.50 €
Black/Thrash Metal
5.00 €
Heavy/Speed Metal
5.50 €
Doom/Black/Death Metal
6.00 €
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31.833.783 Zugriffe seit dem 10.02.2010